Monday, April 10, 2006

Break Up

I broke up with Jason last night, and I swear not 10 minutes later Rick called. Does he have my phone tapped or what? It's kind of erie how he always shows up or calls whenever there is the slightest bit of opportunity.

My cell phone died on me this morning, and I plugged it into the car charger, and the thing almost caught on fire when I was in the HotSpot buying latte. WTF? Does the phone company or the company that makes the charger realize that if the burn my car down, a) I'm not going to be their customer any more, b) I'm going to sue them?

Sunday, April 09, 2006


I went to the gym today and ran 4.5 miles. I was really tired when I finished. I had to run so far because I ate like a pig this weekend, and drank a good bit too at a party Friday night. I don't want to get fat!

It's always interesting to see the different people who come into the gym. There were a few bored sort of pudgy housewifes in there today, and there was one girl who must be a fitness competitor. She had the perfect fake boobs, the perfect little gym outfit.

I don't want to become addicted to exercise, so I gotta watch it :)

Starting a Blog

Okay, I'm starting this as my very own blog. My friends tell me I have a lot (too much) to say, so let's see how it goes!